Gold River

Gold RiverEstablished in 1820, the Gold River Reserve, also known as Amapapskegek the Rocky River, has approximately 270 hectares of land, is located in Southern Nova Scotia and is approximately 61 kilometres from Halifax. Positioned near the mouth of the west side of picturesque Gold River, the Mi'kmaq people have a long history in the area of using the resources within Gold River and the area surrounding Mahone Bay. In addition to the River itself, the area is known as a location with traditional camp sites and there are various areas that have cultural and spiritual importance.

Gold River Health Centre

311 Beech Hill Road
Chester Basin, NS B0J 1K0

Karen Oakes
phone: 902 627-1245
fax: 902 627-1361

Gold River Office

35 Beech Hill Road,
Chester, Nova Scotia B0J 1K0

Cathy Gehue
Social Development Administrator
phone: 902 627-2924
fax: 902 627-2921