Chelsea Sawyer BScN, RN
Gold River Health Centre
Community Health Nurse
Office: (902) 627-1245
Cell: (902) 277-2297
Fax: (902) 627-1361
Chelsea Sawyer has been hired as the Community Nurse for Wasoqopa’q First Nation and will be working out of the Gold River Health Centre.
Hello! My name is Chelsea Sawyer (Labrador) and I am so excited to be your new Community Health Nurse.
I grew up in Greenfield, Queens County and I’m currently living in Halifax with my husband and 17-month-old daughter.
I graduated STFX University in 2013 and I moved to Wetaskiwin, Alberta where I worked in Labour & Delivery, Postpartum, and Pediatrics for one year. I moved back to Halifax in 2014 after accepting a position at the IWK where I worked in the NICU for three years.
As I start my new position as your Community Health Nurse, I would love to hear from the WFN Community. I am currently updating educational materials at Gold River Health Clinic, and I hope to start a flu clinic soon. Please contact me if you have any ideas you’d like to share – I would like to address any concerns you might have or wants/needs in healthcare. I look forward to working with Wasoqopa’q First Nation and connecting with everyone in the community!